Hands-On Ventilation Classes

Hands-On Ventilation Training:

The hands-on ventilation training is designed to be an option to augment the purchase of a unit. The hands-on ventilation training would normally be scheduled close to the delivery date of the unit and is done in addition to the in-service training that is standard with the every unit. The hands-on ventilation training is excellent in confidence building and teaching current ventilation skills and techniques. The class is also a great way for departments to see how to train on and get the most out of their FireVent unit.

Our ventilation training is comprised of highly trained firefighter instructors. Each instructor has many years in the fire service and a vast amount of knowledge and experience. Their experience comes from the areas they work, amount of fire duty, training background, professional attitude and work ethic. There are no egos with our instructors and we pride ourselves with that attitude. When we teach, the approach we use is not yelling at students or intimidating them, it is with strict confidence building and answering or addressing every question. We take the time to help each student. We strive to deliver the best, top quality ventilation training available.

Basic package


Flat roof, low pitch, and steep pitch

Everything that can be taught on this subject will be covered with the department. We will adhere to their SOP/SOG’s and show them other ways to safely complete the ventilation task.

Training Day:

0800 – 1000 Classroom instruction and breaking crews up into groups.

1000 – 1200 Flat roof hands-on.

1200 – 1300 Lunch

1300 – 1500 Low pitch hands-on.

1500 – 1700 Steep pitch hands-on.

1700 – 1800 Hot Wash covering any questions by the department.

(Note: saw and tool maintenance will be talked about throughout the day)

This training is based on 20 students and 3 instructors. Less than 10 students will require 2 instructors based on the closest “instructor-to-student” ratio. Over 30 students will require more instructors.