About Us
Our certified welders perform all welding to ensure the highest degree of structural integrity as well as visually pleasing welds. Our goal with our mobile units is to provide quality hands-on training that is mobile, versatile and affordable to career and volunteer fire departments as well as fire academy training programs. The mobile FireVent units are designed to be easily moved from location to location by a ¾ ton pickup or SUV, with easy setup and break down. The mobility of the FireVent unit allows crews to be able to train at their station while remaining in service in their response area. This greatly decreases the need to “staff back” or shuffle personnel for coverage while crews leave their response area to train at a designated training facility. While FireVent’s mobile training props are not intended to replace training at a designated training facility, they will enhance it by allowing frequent hands-on training that is convenient for crews, at their station, with no staffing or service level impact.
Our mobile units have a very unique, innovative and fully patented design that allows the props to open and close, from the traveling position to the training position, with the use of two heavy-duty hydraulic cylinders. The same hydraulic cylinders are then used to raise and lower the roofing platform to the desired pitch for training.
Mobile FireVent units can be equipped to be “self contained” with everything needed for training; saws, ladders forcible entry tools etc. This is very beneficial so that no equipment is taken off of first out engine companies, which may delay response times. When firefighters are dispatched to a call they can leave the unit quickly without having to put equipment back into service. Mobile FireVent units can easily be moved from station to station, enabling duty crews to train between calls and when it is convenient for them.