Grant Information
AFG Grant Support
The Assistance to Fire fighters Grant (AFG) “Fire Grants” program has made $285 million available to protect the health and safety of the public and fire fighting personnel against fire and fire-related hazards. Numerous departments have already received a Mobile FireVent Unit through a Fire Grant. The following information is here to assist those who are interested in obtaining a Mobile FireVent Unit through this grant program.
What can be purchased with Fire Act funds?
The grant program allows for several categories of items to be purchased with grant funds. Of particular importance is the “Operations and Fire fighter Safety Program – Training” category that allows for training equipment such as a Mobile FireVent Unit.
FireVent, LLC makes three models of the mobile unit. The Academy Model (12ft x 24ft platform) The Standard Model (12ft x 20ft platform) and The Compact Model (12ft x 16ft platform). Each model can be equipped with numerous options, which add to the training evolutions (multidiscipline) and versatility of each unit. The FireVent units are the most versatile, practical and affordable training props available.
Important note: Grant rules require the training system to be mobile on wheels.
What are the new (more Favorable) grant match requirements?
With the AFG, agencies are required to match a portion of the overall cost. The current match requirements are:
Population > 50,000……………….Match = 20% of total
Population 20,000 to 50,000………Match = 10% of total
Population < 20,000………………..Match = 5% 0f total
What are the top reasons why grant applications fail?
- Request is for low priority items
- Lack of collaboration, partnerships, or “regional” approach
- Do not check their work
- Do not make a case for financial need
- Do not provide a problem statement
- Fail to make a case for cost-benefit
- Do not itemize desired items
- Request too many items (“shopping cart” proposal)
- Do not follow directions (Source: Office for Domestic Preparedness, 2004 Workshop Presentation)
How can we help?
FireVent, LLC is committed to providing our customers with supporting information needed to successfully write and receive a grant. This information, combined with your intimate knowledge of your agency and a little determination, will set your organization on its way towards improved training capabilities. Please contact us if you would like further assistance. FireVent, LLC encourages you to explore the Preparedness Directorate’s Office of Grants and Training website for more detailed information regarding grant applications:
Phone: (866) 274-0960
For information and assistance in obtaining grants for FireVent products please contact us directly or through the contact page on the website.
Please also visit on the link below.